Wednesday, June 27, 2012

In Good Company

Don’t scream….you aren’t looking at pictures from the latest horror movie where the doll comes alive and attacks the family...although an attack was made, by Buoy.

Picture the scene….young baby doll alone on the couch, just hanging out while its child owner runs to get more hair bows (I mean did you see the hair!).  Along comes Buoy, pilfering the room for something new to try to pass.  He spies the doll, alone and vulnerable.  He sneaks up on her and attacks, dragging her back to his clubhouse!  I probably made it sound a bit worse than it actually was, but did you see the hair?!

When finally discovered, Buoy had sentenced the poor doll to a life of hitchhiking….I mean what else can you do with just one thumb.  The doll now joins the ranks of the numerous other dolls in the Carter Household Amputee Ward.  We actually have a few celebrities living there too….Oliver from Hannah Montana, several Barbies, and I believe even Taylor Swift.  The youngest Carter girl actually made the comment that “their clothes do go on easier now without hands or feet”.  Talk about a silver lining and glass half full approach. 

The doll should be in good company and still played with in spite of her disabilities….we teach equality here in the Carter household  and quite frankly, the hair looked that bad before the attack.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mo' Money!

Summertime and the living is easy…especially if you are Buoy and are literally trying to eat your way to a great payday!  Yep, that is what you think it is….a five dollar bill! 

We took some really good friends of ours down to the beach for a long weekend and of course Buoy got to come too.  He had a great ride down (slept most of the way), and behaved most of his vacation until almost the last day.

He saw the money, he wanted the money, and he ate the money.  In fact, we never did see that missing part come through, but I doubt my friend wanted to use that particular piece after all of that anyway.  So what is the price for being Buoy’s friend? ; Evidently its five dollars for my friend. 

Trust me, after all that we have lost to Buoy I would consider that a bargain.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

4 Out of 5 Dentists Agree...Buoy Got In Trouble!

 Juicy Fruit Gum Wrapper

Toothbrush with Missing Bristles

This post is doing double duty today…highlighting 2 items that Buoy destroyed.  The gum and the toothbrush are both very similar in that Buoy ate both of them. 

The gum is the result of Buoy going through someone’s purse that was left alone a little too long in his presence.  And the toothbrush is actually that of a friend of my youngest daughter’s.  For some reason, he is obsessed with all items surrounding this friend and has actually destroyed quite a few of them….Hey I never said being Buoy’s friend was easy.

I guess I should be praising Buoy….at least he was going to brush up after chewing gum….most dentists would give you a sticker for that.  

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling!!

 It Keeps Going.....
 And Going...!
Who?  Me?

I know that it has been a while since I last posted….not because of lack of material….no, lack of time.  

But here it is…Buoy’s embarrassing realization that he had something stuck to the bottom of his paw after coming out of the bathroom.  You laugh like it’s never happened to you.

Well, while it probably didn’t happen to Buoy either, it certainly looked like a good effort on his part to do a little “rolling” (as I heard some kids call it when I was in high school) of the hallway.  And while I wasn’t upset at the loss of toilet paper (oh no, we rolled that junk right back up and used it), I did have to laugh a little at the thought of how careful he had to be not to rip it around the corner and how lightly he must have had in his mouth, so as not to totally shred it.

So, while most days Buoy is the “bull in the china shop”, at least for a brief moment (albeit while he tried to destroy something) he slowed down a little and was a bit more careful in his surroundings.  And then he got caught….And it was off to the races as usual!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Never Run With Scissors

Even Scissors Aren't 'Safe' Around Buoy!

Just To Prove That It's Really Him Doing It All

Never Run With Scissors!!  We've all heard it and most of us in the world follow this good advice....not Buoy! In fact, he runs, chews on and hides with scissors.

I noticed he was not under my feet while I was in the kitchen one past afternoon....a sure sign that Buoy has something.  So, I find him in his favorite hiding spot behind the end table (like we don't know by now).  As I come toward him, he starts to run with the scissors in his mouth.  Well, the space between our big lounge chair and the end table is tight (an effort to keep Buoy corralled when he has something), but a caught dog is like a cannon ball that just barrels through no matter what the cost.  Remember now that the scissors are in his mouth just like they are in the therefore he scrapes them along the chair as he makes his daring escape.  This causes me to scream louder and him to run faster.  I decide to survey the damage rather than give chase.  Fortunately for Buoy the chair was still in intact...unfortunately he was still running lose with scissors in the house.  I cornered him in the bathroom and he very reluctantly gave up the scissors.

Hopefully Buoy has learned his lesson and will remember to Never Run With Scissors.....but probably not...he's a daredevil like that.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Close Shave

Remains of a razor

Buoy's "Caught" Face

Well, I haven't been able to post in a while...not because Buoy hasn't done anything wrong, because he certainly has,(as you will see in the next few weeks) but because I have been so busy.  And that is probably half the problem with Buoy to begin not being here with him enough.  You see, Buoy does most of his mischief with us actually here, which leads me to believe that he is seeking attention for the times that we aren't here.

But enough with the pooch Dr. Phil mentality.  So, Buoy has been dumpster diving in the Carter bathroom trash again.  His great find?  A used razor that could have really hurt him if I had not caught him in time.  Fortunately he didn't eat any part of it...he just gnawed on it a bit.  And what did I do after catching his dangerous mischief?...took pictures of course.

I would like to say that Buoy might have learned his lesson, but we all that is not true.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

On The Heel Of A Bad Day

Well, Buoy had actually been pretty "good" lately.  

I put good in quotes because good for Buoy is different than good for most other dogs.  He didn't destroy anything for about a week....this doesn't mean he didn't take stuff or hide stuff or pee on stuff....because he did. He just didn't DESTROY anything.  That is until last Saturday night. 

My youngest daughter and her friends were playing dress up with clothes in the cedar closet and came across some of my summer heels.  They pranced around for a while and looked all cute in heels way too tall for them and then when it was time for all to be put away one heel could not be found.  And neither could Buoy.  He was eventually discovered in his "clubhouse" behind the end table with a black, strappy heel in his mouth, not the shoe, just the heel.  As shown in the picture above, the shoe survived the attack quite well, but not the heel tip.  

So, if you see me hobbling around a little lopsided in black, strappy heels then you'll know that I haven't been drinking, but that Buoy has struck again.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Sharpie That's Not

Sharpie Ink Pen - After Buoy

This was the pen that I used to write all the loving sentiments in my incredible husband's Valentine's Day card.  

This was the pen that we used to sign our names to the cute Valentine's Day cards for the girls.  

This was the pen that did NOT get used to sign our names on a gift for Buoy.  

Something tells me he resented the pen.

(By the way....yes the tip of the pen is missing and nothing is left of the lid.)

Happy V-Day Buoy!  Glad you survived it!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Come Monday.....

The Remains of the Face Masks

 Wii Controller Wrist Strap After Being Chewed

 Knows He Is In Trouble

It was just that kind of Monday at the Carter house last night.....After a weekend of being pretty good (he didn't destroy anything), Buoy was on a kamikaze mission.  He ran from item to item in the house grabbing what he could and running and hiding with it.  A few items, (shown above) were given some extra time with him while I did some laundry and this how they fared....not too well I would say.

The face masks are the result of some painting projects that we are doing around the house.....wonder how good they work with chew holes in them?  And the wrist strap of the Wii controller has actually managed to make it more than a year without being a Buoy victim. So much for that safety record.

So see, it doesn't matter it if you are new to the Carter household or been around a while.....EVERYTHING eventually gets a taste of Buoy, or he gets a taste of them....if let alone in the room with him.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Notes Know....NO!

 Post It Notes - During the Assault

Post It Notes - After Their Run In With Buoy

Well, the pictures are pretty self explanatory.....but I do need to elaborate on where Buoy found the Post-It-Notes.....In My Purse!

Yes, the little thief was digging around, probably looking for gum, and ran away with my post-it-notes.

So, if I fail to pick up something I was suppose to, or don't have your number and you are sure you saw me write it down, you can thank Buoy.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Another One Bites The Dust

McKinley's Lone Glove

I seriously don't think we have one complete set of gloves at our house....and Buoy is the reason why.  

So, if you see one of us out and our hands are different colors, you know that Buoy has been playing his favorite game again.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Here's Buoy!

Well, first off I would like to introduce Buoy to those that don’t already know him.

Buoy is a Yorkie, but not your average Yorkie….sure he is cute, fuzzy, and thinks he is bigger than he actually is (although he IS a big Yorkie)….but he is so much more than that.  Buoy will try to eat absolutely ANYTHING and EVERYTHING….and most of time he does.  The fact that the little guy is still around is a true miracle, and with no surgeries or manual removals under his belt yet too.

The first post about Buoy’s misadventures has to start with his Wooie (what we affectionately call the tattered, half-eaten blanket he carries around with him most of the time).  Buoy loves his Wooie, as evidenced by all tears and chews on it.  And yes he has eaten most of it…it started out way bigger.

So, I will try my best to take a picture each and every time Buoy does his thing…which is chew up, tear up, eat and destroy the pieces of my house that has the unfortunate fate of being left alone with him.

Oh, and the title for this blog came from my husband, who says that is Buoy's favorite game.