Thursday, March 1, 2012

On The Heel Of A Bad Day

Well, Buoy had actually been pretty "good" lately.  

I put good in quotes because good for Buoy is different than good for most other dogs.  He didn't destroy anything for about a week....this doesn't mean he didn't take stuff or hide stuff or pee on stuff....because he did. He just didn't DESTROY anything.  That is until last Saturday night. 

My youngest daughter and her friends were playing dress up with clothes in the cedar closet and came across some of my summer heels.  They pranced around for a while and looked all cute in heels way too tall for them and then when it was time for all to be put away one heel could not be found.  And neither could Buoy.  He was eventually discovered in his "clubhouse" behind the end table with a black, strappy heel in his mouth, not the shoe, just the heel.  As shown in the picture above, the shoe survived the attack quite well, but not the heel tip.  

So, if you see me hobbling around a little lopsided in black, strappy heels then you'll know that I haven't been drinking, but that Buoy has struck again.

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